Hi Journal!
Boy, do I have a pupdate for you. Today was my very first day of doggy daycare at Lady & Paws Lounge!
It all started this morning when Mom woke me up. She told me I was going to school! I didn’t really know what that meant, but I still jumped out of bed with my tail wagging. Mom always knows best!
We got in the car, and Mom even let me stick my head out the window! Ah, I love feeling the wind in my ears.
We drove toward a big building, and I could hear barking in the distance. We parked there, and Mom told me it was Lady & Paws Lounge, where I would be attending doggy daycare. Then, she got me out of the car, and we walked in.
When we entered the lobby, I saw treats on the counter. That’s how I knew I was in a grrreat place.
Mom talked to another hooman about me for a little while. They both smiled and laughed and looked at me. Another hooman came in and started giving me pets! So, I, of course, had to flop over for a belly rub.
I heard somebody tell Mom that my furrst day would be complimentary, whatever that means!
After I’d collected myself, Mom leaned down and told me she had to leave, but she would pick me up later. She made me promise to be a good boy, because I’d get a behavior report at the end of the day! I licked her goodbye.
(Here’s me sniffing out my new pack of doggos and hoomans.)
One of the nice hoomans told me that the furrst day of daycare is a temperament test. That appawently helps make dog daycare very safe.
To start my test, the hooman took me to a play yard, which is indoors and outdoors! The best of both worlds! Did I mention it’s leash-free? The hooman played with me until I felt comfurrtable with the other doggos, which didn’t take long. I think I passed the test and made Mom proud.
(That’s me and my new Best Furriend Furrever, Riley!)
There are different play groups, and I joined one with bigger woofs like me. In fact, we all had a lot in common. We all like to run and jump and play chase. I wonder if the Hounds Lounge hoomans put me in that group on purpose?
I love my new furriends. It is so much more fun to play with them than it is to be home alone when my pawents are at work!
(Check out my pal, Spot, with one of many bubbles!)
The hoomans at doggy daycare are a lot of fun too. They played with us all day long. They even blew bubbles for us to try to pop! I think I popped the most in my play group. My face smells a little like bath time.
Speaking of bath time, some of my furriends went to the Lady & Paws Lounge today and came back looking very fluffy and clean. I think Mom and Dad should make me an appointment!
Well, Journal, I have to say, today was the goodest of good days. I will never furrget my first day at doggy daycare. I was almost a little sad when the Lady & Paws Lounge hoomans told me it was time to go home. But as soon as I saw Mom in the lobby, I was happy again!
Mom told me I got a great behavior report! And she said she saw cute pictures of me on the Lady & Paws Lounge Facebark and Instagrrram. What can I say? The camera loves me!
We said goodbye to my new Lady & Paws Lounge pack and headed home. And that’s how my tail ends!
Now, I am absolutely dog-tired. I think it’s time to call it a day. Tonight, I will dream about all my new furriends and how much fun we had. One day soon, we’ll get to do it all over again!
Lots of Licks,
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