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HomeBlogAdoptionAmazing Adoptable Alex!

Amazing Adoptable Alex!

I don’t know what else to say about this amazing adoptable puppy. But since he’s shockingly still here, I feel compelled to write.

I’ve said it before, sometimes foster animals stick around way longer than expected because the forever family meant to have them is not quite ready to take the plunge. I believe that’s the case here because there is no other reason for such an amazing puppy to still be adoptable nearly a month and a half after he arrived.

Alex is growing, which is good (he’s healthy) and bad (people want puppy-puppies). He’s still adorable, but he’s sliding into that gangly pre-adolescent phase. He’s closing in on twenty pounds, which is still very much snuggable, but now a bit more work to pick up. Luckily, he’s doing great on a leash, and even without one, he happily follows me wherever I go.

Let’s note Alex’s charms:

When he wants attention, instead of jumping all over me and getting mouthy, he will sit sweetly and stare at me, willing me to pet him. (I usually do)

He happily goes in his crate at night for a treat and sleeps eight hours with no potty accidents. A lot of nearly four-month-old puppies can’t do that!

He uses the doggie door to go out to potty during the day and has yet to have an accident in my office. When left too long in the puppy room, he uses his potty pads.

He loves everyone he meets. He gave such wonderful, perfect sits to so many people at the farmer’s market last weekend that he was stuffed with treats by the time we got home (and had diarrhea for two days, which is not one of his regular charms and not his fault!).

He is not bitey or mouthy (I wrote that in his bio and AI changed it to say he has great manners. No puppy has great manners, but most puppies his age bite and chew people – Alex doesn’t!).

He plays independently with chew toys or squeaky toys, or stuffed toys (not yet unstuffing them), while I work and is quiet as a mouse during my zoom calls.

He learns quickly, already understanding that he can’t go near the cat box or the wires under my desk, or the paper coming out of the printer (which is a tough one because he loves paper!).

He is athletic – mastering my puppy teeter, climbing on stools (but thankfully not my desk), zipping all over the puppy yard despite the ice.

He is VERY treat motivated. This boy will do anything for a treat. He is learning to eat slower (a tough challenge), but having once been starving in his short life, it’s tough not to gobble whatever is put in front of you.

He is friendly with the other residents of the foster cottage. He can’t quite convince Hazel-cat to play with him, but his affection is undeterred by her mean words or even her swats.

All of that is to say, this is a fantastic puppy! And the very first adoptable puppy I’ve crate, potty, and leash-trained ahead of adoption.

If you think he might be your puppy, apply to adopt here.

Please let anyone you know who is in the market for a puppy, that Alex is in the market for a forever home.

Until Each One Has a Home,


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